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Virtual Class & Webinars

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February 9,
Virtual Class:  Class was canceled today because of a Blizzard. The virtual class was quite enjoyable. I do appreciate the option of being in school, in the comfort of my home. Virtual classes should be made available to students who have a chronic illness (absenteeism due to illness). Their learning would not suffer as much as they would be able to be part of a class (present assignments to the rest of the students). Furthermore, I do believe that a child with a severe learning disability and/or physical limitation could record a presentation that can be accessed by fellow classmates.

Webinar: Fine Motor Skill
 This week, I had to ask one of my students to redo some of his assignments. His handwriting is ineligible (very weak information output). I am surprised that he was not referred to OT. I told him to use the computer (spare) in my room whenever he needs to submit written assignment. His inability to write properly is affecting his academic success. This student and others who have the same limitations would benefit from having access to Write Pad (Jr. High Level).

I would not recommend that he uses a stylus because I fear that the program would not be able to decipher his hand writing (he would have to type info).

The other two Apps that I strongly recommend to students with limited fine motor skills are: Dexteria and Shape Builder. These Apps are elementary looking, but will help any students develop or increase mobility in their hands/fingers. Shape Builder appeals to me because it helps focus students’ attention. It also teaches them to recognize (match) shapes, animals, letters, etc.

1) Dexteria (Cost: $4.99)

The Dexteria App can be used with the iPod Touch, iPad or iPhone. This App can support students by increasing motor skills and writing abilities. Users have the option of using their fingers or a stylus with the Dexteria App. The use of a stylus or fingers is perfect when one is trying to develop dexterity, finger sequencing and movement control. 

2) Shape Builder (Cost: 0.99$)
    What I like about this App is that it allows students to pay closer attention to the task at hand. Shape Builder is colorful (visually appealing) and can also teach young learners new vocabulary (fruits, animals, etc.)

3) Write Pad for iPad (Cost: 9.99$) – good for Jr. High and High School
Write Pad can be a life saver for students who cannot write legibly on paper. This App can automatically convert a student’s hand writing into text. I would recommend this App to all students. What I discovered throughout the years is that some students’ poor penmanship hides their inability to spell properly. This App will increase their confidence.

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About Me

French Immersion Teacher/Social Studies since 1997. I love to travel and meet new people. Most importantly, I love learning about new cultures. I hope to one day use all the knowledge I am acquiring in this course in my daily teaching. The Assistive Technology I allowed me to see the many benefits of technology such as the iPad in today’s classrooms. The fact that I learnt so much about technology in the classroom, last summer, motivated me to buy my own iPad mini. I cannot wait for the day when schools will have the proper technology to effectively educate all learners.



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